Friday, November 16, 2007

Rosie On Vacation - Part V

Sum up for Thursday: absolutely the most wasted day of the trip! Ha!
  1. Worked on cross stitch while watching Husband and Matt play Wii Sports till their shoulders hurt.
  2. Joined in the MarioParty to end all MarioParty - a 50-turn game! It only took us 4 hours. And I would have won too, if it weren't for you meddling kids! (Or, the meddling goombas anyway...)
  3. Worked on cross stitch more while watching Husband play MarioParty alone vs. the WiiBox to unlock the last character.
  4. Made dinner for everyone.
  5. Watched The Office and Scrubs (which I haven't seen a new episode of in years, save for what Comedy Central gets a hold of. And when/why did Elliot break off her engagement? That made no sense!!)
  6. Watched the first three episodes of Rome.
Distinctly absent from the summary: exiting the house. That's right. I didn't get out of my PJs all day. I didn't take a single step outside. I saw not a single other human besides my fellow shut-ins for a full 24 hours. Besides, it was rainy.

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