WE HAVE A WINNER! The Great Dress Search has ended. I purchased this lovely item for $98 at Nordstrom.com and it will be here well before the June 9 wedding. The soft blue will mesh nicely with carnation, and blue and I are friends, much like red and I are friends.
The caveat is that I already have this dress. This is the aforementioned "smokin' hot cranberry dress." I tried it on last night to make sure the size and style still fit, and indeed they did, to the point that Husband actually stopped in his tracks. Nice.
I felt a little silly about buying the exact same dress in two colors, but with the luck I've been having, push has officially come to shove. I know this dress, I like this dress, I can afford this dress. There were certainly scads of other lovely options on the sites, but I simply cannot afford them, and when I tried them on, I might have ended up with other fiascos such as the ignominous Miami Pink, or Barrel Body, or Shrunken Waist Length.
So to all of you Judgey McGhees out there who think it's gauche to have the exact same dress in two colors, stuff it. Unless you're buying the dress for me and arranging for me to have a full day off with pay in order to shop for and try on the various contenders, I don't want to hear it. Seacrest out.
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