Gone. Gone to the four winds, to be replaced by this spotlight-addicted, self-righteous attention whore. Was it the shame of losing to The Puppet President that caused you to also lose your mind? Perhaps the fact that people had trouble taking you seriously after the proclamation that you invented the Internet (later proven to be media hype and not an actual quote, but it's just too good for this writer to pass up)? What was it that sent you from mere wooden boringness to full-on Michael Mooresque fanaticism?
I refer you to an interview in the London newspaper The Sun by journalist Victoria Newton (wearing outstanding shoes, might I add), titled, Al Gore - a Man with a Mission. While I'm loathe to trust any news article found in a London "newspaper" (in my experience, their average day's "news" consists of a few actual news articles padded with filler of the sort found in such sentient sources as The National Enquirer), I found quotes from the interview cited in various respected media outlets, lending it credence.
Exhibit A can be found in this article, in the form of a quote from the Gore-man himself: "The planet is in distress and all of the attention is on Paris Hilton. We have to ask ourselves what is going on here?"
Huh? Al, my dear, are you questioning our priorities? Are you actually calling us to account for ourselves for turning to the braincandy of Hiltonwatch '07 when we should be talking about nothing but the most critical of topics - say, for instance, the 1°F rise in average temperatures worldwide since 1880?
To begin with, can you really blame people for turning to silly subjects like Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, the late Anna Nicole Smith, [InsertCelebutanteScandalHere]? Average schmucks like ourselves are busily worrying about how we're going to pay our mortgage, get the kids to daycare, keep our jobs from day to day, and avoid slipping further into obesity. We're tired. We look at the news and its all crime, war, and disasters. We're looking for something to take us away from the drudgery of everyday life. So we turn to tacky sitcoms, reality TV, misbehaving celebrities, and other salacious subjects. There we can escape to watch the overprivileged and undertalented make utter fools of themselves and careen head-on into oblivion. "Serves them right," we think, and we relax in the knowledge that we may not have the resources that they do, but at least we're not the trainwrecks that they are. The news makes us sad. Celebrities make us laugh. Which do you choose when you're already exhausted and stressed?
We don't have the luxury of being paid six figures for a speaking engagement. Most of us don't make six figures in an entire year. If we did, we could more easily fund our lifestyle and afford ourselves the time and energy to ponder the heavy issues. But let's imagine if we did, and consider just some of the things we could and maybe should be stopping the presses to mull over:
- The war in Iraq
- The war in Afghanistan (call it what you will; I call it a war)
- The Hamas rebellion in the Palestinian territories
- Genocide in Darfur
- The impending Second Cold War
- The impending Third World War
- The impending nuclearization of Iran and North Korea
- Global famine
- Drug-resistant TB, influenza, malaria
- Lax border security
- The weakness and growing irrelevance of the UN
- International terrorist cells
- Black holes
- Manbearpig
- Environmental complacency
Nerd moment: Humans have only been charting the temperatures for a couple hundred years, and we've only been around in our current form really for a few thousand. There is no real evidence to support the theory that what warming has been noticed is unnatural. I refer you, for instance, to the Little Ice Age, to the fact that the last official Ice Age only concluded about 12,000 years ago, and to the identified pattern of the planet experiencing regular cooling periods approximately every 1500 years or so; the Little Ice Age being between 700-800 years ago suggests that we're at about the zenith of the current warming period. All of this leads me to believe that the planet naturally goes through periods of warming and cooling independent of human existence.
Do I believe that humans are completely innocent in our misuse of natural resources and general apathy toward our output? Do I mean to say that we should continue on our current path, willy-nilly, and the planet will regulate itself? No. Of course not. See my post below, "A Bright Idea," in which I clearly state that I support the move toward less-consumptive and less-pollutive methods of existence. The pollution of our waters and the drastic changing of our landscape is by and large on human hands. This is why I refer to our "Environmental Complacency" as something to think about and consider, rather than the aforementioned pet topic of the day. But I also am not so arrogant as to believe that the global climate should remain at the levels we have grown accustomed to. Who are we to determine what is and is not normal? The planet will do as the planet will do, and if that means it will warm, it will warm, and if that means it will cool again - brace yourselves - it will cool again, and WE should adapt to IT, not the other way around. This is not rocket science, folks. However, to return to the point...
Chicken Little - er, um, Mr. Gore - your current hysteria regarding the theory of Global Warming, as evidenced in your Live Earth concert scheduled for 7/7/07, your 2006 "Oscar-winning" (are you kidding me?!) slideshow-cum-documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" (which was also a book, published 5/26/06) , and your book The Earth in Balance (published 10/31/06), is sorta kinda...overkill. Slow down, buddy. I hate to quote Bob Geldoff, but hey, he's right: "Everybody’s known about that problem for years. We are all (expletive) conscious of global warming..."
You run around waving your arms and shrieking about how global warming ran over your dog and peed on your lawn, alarming the general populous and inciting near-panic about something that is only a theory.
It's as though you realized, in the wake of your loss in 2000 and your non-run in 2004, that people weren't paying attention to you anymore. No one was listening to you anymore. So you found something to make them listen, to make them pay attention to you, and now you're going to ride this horse into the ground and beat it till it bleeds. Now you're the darling of the Democratic party again. But the matter is cooling, making way for such topics-du-jour as border security - both from illegal immigration and biological weaponry, foreign policy, and the national economy. (Image credit to those overgrown adolescents who design, write, and voice South Park, and who I hope never run out of material.)
What, the guy who invented the internet and was the basis for that horrible film Love Story has an issue with exaduration? Seriously, what a giant douche (which I guess makes W the turd sandwich – see my last post). My favorite quote of his, I should say recent quote since he has so many, is the “the world has a fever.” To which I always reply “and the only cure is more cowbell.”
The problem with modern environmentalism is that it is a hippie pseudo-science, with about as much scientific accuracy as other pseudo-sciences, like astrology and eugenics. Eugenics - did I just go there? Oh yes I did. You see, back in the 20’s there was a “scientific consensus” that eugenics was a scientific fact and “proved without a doubt” that blacks, Jews, and those greasy Iti’s were inferior to whites. Notice any similarities in the language used?
Not only do they believe in goofy things, they don’t have a scientific leg to stand on when you ask them a real question. My first experience with a smelly neo-hippie was at a biotech conference they were protesting. When asked why they were protesting they rattled off several reasons why biotech was bad that sounded like they got them off a list from the head hippie. This theory was supported by the fact that when you tried to make a scientific point and ask them anything scientific, they would give you a look as if you had just asked them the distance between Earth and Alpha Centauri in AU.
You can duplicate my experiment and completely befuddle any AGW (that’s Anthropogenic Global Warming for those not in the know) supporter with a couple simple questions. First, since it is claimed that the Earth is heating up to hotter than it should be, what is the proper average temperature of the Earth, in Kelvin. Second, can you compare and contrast modeling vs. observational science? My guess is that they will look at you like you just asked them to multiply two very large numbers in their head, and then they will claim you’re a crony for big oil.
I follow junk science as a hobby (I know, I’m a geek), so there are so many things I want to and could expand on, like Rachel Carson being indirectly responsible for the deaths of 30 million African children (ever heard of DDT, which they finally started using again), the horrific personal and professional attacks on anyone who dares question their neo-religion (Christ, I’ve heard of better treatment of people in China), or even the IPCC releasing its “policy statement” a couple of months before its full report so that it could go back through and delete any reference to anything that might conflict with its policy statement (didn’t you say something about the UN losing it’s relevancy, Rosie?). However, I think I will close on some actually facts that lead me to what I think this is really about – money.
Consider this – last I saw, about 30 Billion (that’s with a “B”) dollars had been spent by governments in the past 10 years to just research AGW, not even mitigate it. Talk about a vested interest. Second, getting back to Al Gore, he’s a big player/owner in the carbon trading markets, where they “offset” carbon dioxide and buy and sell carbon credits for businesses. In fact, his company is the one that he pays to offset his house’s ridiculous energy consumption. Al Gore stands to make quite a fortune on this stuff if he can convince governments to go along with his markets and carbon offsetting. Maybe he’s not so dumb after all.
Still doesn’t mean he isn’t a douche, though.
hose are totally fab shoes....anyone know where a girl can get herself a set?
Good points! Manbearbig is my biggest fear. I'm serial!
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