Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Congratulations, Caesar & Nicole!

Best wishes to Caesar and Nicole, who swore till death do us part, on Saturday, June 9. Caesar and Husband have been best friends since they were kids. Caesar was Husband's Best Man, and Husband was Caesar's Best Man.

The day was perfect - sunny and warm but not hot, the rolling hills were green, and the sky was a brilliant blue. Caesar was dashing, and Nicole was stunning, as always, and they looked so happy together and with all their friends and family around them. Everyone had a wonderful time, dancing and reveling late into the night.

And may I say, the Best Man gave an excellent speech and was devastatingly handsome, even in the carnation pink tuxedo vest and tie selected to match the bridesmaids' dresses.

So, let's raise our virtual champagne flutes to Caesar and Nicole, the only people Husband would wear pink for! May your life together be filled with laughter, love, and joy!

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