I've heard this photo called slutty, embarrassing, racy, risque, sexualizing, mature. I've heard people claiming that sweet, wholesome little Miley Cyrus was manipulated into doing this by big, bad Annie Liebovitz. I've heard Cyrus's daddy and other entourage's avowals that it was a complete mistake and that they should never have done this and ohmygod isn't it awful what they've done to his little girl!?
And all I can think is, what's the big deal?
You say slutty, risque, sexualizing. I say innocent, vulnerable, tasteful, beautiful. I say she looks like a modern day Cosette. I say I see girls wearing less at the pool. I say I see girls wearing less at the mall. Miss Cyrus's green bra didn't get NEARLY this much publicity, nor nearly this vocal an outrage even from Miley and Co. I've seen those pics (and you can too!), and they're complaining about this??
The Cyrus Clan says they were manipulated. I say BULL! Daddy was on hand for this shoot; it's not like they handcuffed and blindfolded him in a soundproof booth outside the studio. Miley wasn't drugged or blackmailed into doing this. And before you point out that she's a minor, you can't deny that Miley's legal pitbulls wouldn't have allowed those photos to see the light of day if Billy Ray hadn't signed off that everyone thought they were fine. Miley said in the article (that's a 15-year old being interviewed by Vanity Fair, might I add) that she thought the photo was artistic (actual term used: "artsy," but that rhymes with "fartsy" and I don't like to use it), proving that she had seen the results and was - at the time - okay with it.
And everyone's coming down on Annie. This is Annie Freaking Liebovitz, people! She is a legend in portrait photography. May she ever deign to do a (free!) portrait of me. Cyrus et al can't say they weren't familiar with her work before they agreed to do this. Annie even sat down with the Cyruses and reviewed her (Annie's) style, portfolio, and plans for the session. And if they weren't put off by her treatment of Angelina Jolie a couple of years ago, then I don't want to hear a word from them about how "embarrassed" they are now.
Furthermore, do note that Miley was in fact clothed beneath that sheet. It was not a nude picture. Even if she wasn't clothed beneath the sheet, it's not a nude picture because she is draped in that cloth. But the fact is, she was wearing clothes when she sat down, and they draped the sheet on and around her to hide the clothes. But Rosie, that makes her LOOK naked! So what? As I mentioned before, you're not seeing anything indecent, and what you are seeing is graceful and beautiful. If I wear a strapless dress, and all you see of me in a photo is from my shoulders up, is that also a nude photo?
The only shame here should be on Miley - and her Crew - for complaining at all. You're only doing that because the Disney execs told you to. You were fine with it before, during, and after. Until the Christian Coalition of America (the same people who have nothing better to do than going frame-by-frame through childrens' movies looking for shapes that in any way resemble a phallus) piped up, everyone was cool. The CCA's representative, Michele Combs said, "Disney should reprimand her. Miley should say it was a mistake and that kids have to be very careful at such a young age. Kids look up to her. Something needs to be done...[Rosie's Aside to Miley: Good job reading that script they gave you!]...She was the one person out there who everyone seemed to trust. She should have been more thoughtful. If she's gonna go out there and represent wholesome values, she needs to be more accountable for her actions." To listen to all that, you'd think Miley personally went up to Michele, slapped the woman in the face, called her baby ugly, and kicked her dog. Ms. Combs goes on to say that Annie Liebovitz has "a reputation for doing racy things." Oooh! Racy! Them's fightin' words! (Credit to Mr. Perez Hilton for supplying the quote.)
Note: I have nothing against Miley Cyrus. She is cute, she is wholesome, she is good to her fans, and she can sing. I might even go so far as to say that if a person happened to trip over her song on the radio, they might possibly not be sickened and might possibly not change the station and just maybe might even admit in the deep recesses of my - I MEAN THEIR - soul that, despite its bubblegum nature, it was kind of a little bit catchy. The worst thing I can say about the girl is that she hasn't taken a razor to that stupid patch of fuzz under her daddy's lip.
So Cyrus Clan, kindly get over yourselves, do a better job of burying those green bra pictures (Miley, dear, be careful of whom you trust with a digital camera from now on), and quit railing against and apologizing for something most of us would be honored to experience.